About the Author

About the Author

Nicole Bar-Dayan, LLB, MBA

Photo of NicolePinI’m Nicole, founder of 101Planners.


I started using affirmations about 30 years ago before I even knew what they were. I didn’t have a lot of self-confidence as a child and never really believed in myself. When I went to law school, I had to give presentations in front of professors and students and it totally freaked me out. I was very self-conscious and to be honest really bad in the beginning. I knew I had to work on my self-confidence if I was ever going to be a professional lawyer and that is when I discovered the power of affirmations. Although they didn’t work overnight, they were extremely helpful in building my self-confidence and enabling me to stand in court or speak in front of large groups of people without feeling self-conscious or afraid.

I hope affirmations help you as much as they helped me.


I have a degree in law, and a Master’s in Business Administration (MBA), majoring in finance.

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