101 Planners » Organization » Chores » Chores for Teenager

Chores for Teenager

A list of age appropriate chores for teenagers with free printable chore chart templates

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Chore List for Teenagers

What are appropriate chores for teenagers?

  • Put their belongings away
  • Fill up a pet’s water or food dish
  • Put the clothes from the washer or dryer into the hamper
  • Dust surfaces
  • Arrange books and magazines in a pile
  • Make their bed
  • Give food and water to pets
  • Mop, sweep, and vacuum
  • Fold laundry and put them away
  • Help prepare dinner
  • Give the family dog a walk
  • Bring the family dog outside to pee
  • Rake the yard
  • Put groceries in the fridge
  • Wipe the dinner table after a meal
  • Help wash the car
  • Bring the trash outside
  • Rake leaves in the yard
  • Load dishwasher, wash dishes
  • Clean the bathroom
  • Use the washing machine and dryer
  • Change the bed sheets
  • Babysit younger kids or siblings
  • Prepare a simple meal
  • Wash windows on the first floor
  • Rake fallen leaves
  • Mow the lawn
  • Iron clothes
  • Care for their pets
  • Walk the dog outside
  • Clean the shower, sink, and toilet
  • Wipe down surfaces
  • Clean the fridge and other kitchen appliances
  • Vacuum floors and rooms
  • Take out the trash
  • Replace a light bulb
  • Mop and sweep the floor
  • Wash the car
  • Give younger siblings a bath
  • Feed their younger siblings
  • Complete simple sewing tasks
  • Accomplish small shopping trips (with a license)

Paid Chores for Teenagers

Some people believe in paid chores and therefore are looking for work at home for teenagers that they can get paid for. I personally believe in paid chores but I do think that kids should also have responsibilities and house chores that they are not paid for. In my opinion, paid chores should be over and above what they should do each day. They should be able to choose paid chores and if they do them well, then they get paid for them.

You can choose paid chores from the list above in addition to chores at home that they don’t get paid for.

Chore Chart for Teens

Each child develops at a different pace. Some teens might not be ready for some of these chores. If not, don’t push them. Check out our list of age appropriate chores to find daily chores for kids that are more relevant.

Personalized Chart

Choose any border and any chore list layout

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Customize & Print

Blank Chart

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If you want a chart that includes homework and other responsibilities then see the responsibility chart below.

How to Make a Customizable Chore Chart

You can make a free customizable chore chart on this site. You get to choose the border, chore list layout and you can edit the text.

Customize & Print

1. Open the chore chart app by clicking on the button above.

2. Select any border.

Backgrounds and bordersPin

3. Select any chore chart layout. There are daily and weekly chore chart templates. Some charts track an allowance and some offer paid chores. Some have options for multiple children. Choose the chore sheet that works best for you.

chore chart insertPin

4. Edit the text.

5. Add clipart if you wish.

6. Download your printable chore chart.

Here are some sample chore charts made with the app. These are only samples and the possibilities are endless.

Customize & Print

Sample Chore Charts

Customize & Print

Responsibility Chart for Teenagers

This weekly planner for teenagers takes into account their daily responsibilities and chores and their homework. It is a house chores chart together with a weekly schedule so that they see all their responsibilities in one chart. It also has a section to plan for the next week and month. This weekly chore chart will help your teenager learn how to plan and stay organized during school and later on in life.

For example, if they have an exam the next week. Add the subject and date in the “next week” section. Under homework, divide the material that needs to be covered before the exam into sections each day they plan to study. Leave a day for revision.

Word | Excel | Editable PDF | Image

Responsibility chart for teenagersPin

Word | Excel | Editable PDF | Image

See family chore chart

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About the Author
Photo of NicoleMy name is Nicole and I created this website to share the tools that keep me organized and productive and help me reach my goals. I hope that you will find them helpful too.

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