38 Angel Number

38 angel number

I keep seeing the number 38 everywhere, what does it mean? Any number that repeats itself can be an angel number. An angel number is a method of communication where your guardian angels send you messages via numbers. These numbers can be on road signs, book pages, train numbers, etc. If you keep seeing 38, then it could be angel number 38. What does 38 mean?

Number 38 Meaning

38 Numerology

According to numerology, the number 38 is reduced to 11 (3+8=11).

Since 11 is a master number you do not continue to reduce 11 until you get to a single-digit number. Instead, the 38 numerology meaning is equivalent to that of the master number 11. Master number 11 is written 11/2 since Master Numbers are represented by the double-digit number first and then the reduced base number.

What is the 11 meaning in numerology? Number 11 symbolizes intuition, inner wisdom, and creativity. Master number 11 is considered the most intuitive of all of the numbers and it is called the Spiritual Messenger.

38 Angel Number Meaning

Number 3 is the first digit of the angel number. Therefore, it points to the situation that led you to this particular moment. Since angel number 3 represents balance and the connection of mind, soul, and body you can assume that this message is being sent in order to restore balance in your life. Your angels are asking you to look at the way you are balancing priorities.

The last digit signals the likely outcome. In 38 the last digit is 8. Angel number 8 means that you are about to enter a period of abundance and prosperity and everything is falling into place.

The angel number 38 meaning is that something in your life is not balanced but you are about to enter a period of abundance and prosperity and everything will fall into place.

What does the number 38 mean spiritually?

Review the balance in your life

The 38 angel number, is sending you a message that there is something that is not in balance in your life. If you are not sure which area it is then use our free online wheel of life maker to find out. After a quick online quiz, it will tell you which areas of your life are not in balance.

Wheel of life
Once you understand which area of your life is not in balance, it is time to make changes. The changes can be tiny and they will still make an impact. For example, if you are working too much then take a 10-minute break each day and devote it to something you enjoy. You don’t have to turn your life upside down. Make a small change that will improve your life.

Give back

According to Mystic Michaela, in “The Angel Numbers Book: How to Understand the Messages Your Spirit Guides Are Sending You”, the 38 angel number meaning is that it is time to pay it forward. Your angels want you to share your blessings with those less fortunate than you. Paying your fortune forward is how you can do this. Michaela suggests you choose a person or a place today that you can give your time or money to.

Manifest your dream life

As mentioned above, the number 38 meaning is that you are about to enter a period of abundance and prosperity and everything will fall into place. You have manifestation powers. You can manifest anything you want. See how to manifest. Keep practicing gratitude and be thankful for the things you have. You can also express gratitude for the things you want in the present tense as if you already have them (see manifestation affirmations).

This abundance can be in any area, depending on where you need it most or want it most. Spend time on reflection to decide exactly what you want to manifest and create a manifest list. Visualize yourself having each of the things on your manifest list. Feel exactly what you will feel when you have them.

You can also use our free Manifestation Journal which will guide you through each of the stages of manifestation.

Free Manifestation Journal

38 Angel Number Love

If you are single:
You are about to manifest the perfect partner. See How to Manifest Someone
How to Manifest Love

If you are in a relationship:

If your relationship is not ideal, then you can use your manifestation powers to manifest a better relationship. One of the ways to do this is to focus on the things you appreciate about your partner and you will get more of those things. The law of attraction states that you will attract into your life whatever you focus on. The more you focus on the positive aspects of your relationship the better it will be. You can try our free couples journal to help you do this.

38 Angel Number Twin Flame

You have the power to manifest anything right now and that includes a twin flame relationship. If that is something you want right now then visualize it happening, go out and meet people and practice gratitude daily. Your twin flame reunion will happen soon.