3939 Angel Number

3939 angel number

The 3939 angel number is sent to you when your angels want you to look at the way you are balancing and prioritizing things in your life. There is something they want you to do in order to live your best life. Read on to see what it is.

Do you keep seeing 3939? If you keep seeing 3939, then it might not be a coincidence. It might be an angel number. It could appear on a license plate, receipt, or even a phone number. Read on to see what the meaning of 3939 is.

3939 Meaning

What does 3939 mean?

The 39:39 angel number is made up of the repeated number 39. When a number repeats itself in a number sequence, your angels are emphasizing its message. Therefore, the angel number 39 meaning is doubled. The 39 angel number meaning is that something in your life is in balance or is lacking but that is going to end and something new and better will begin. The 39 39 meaning is similar to that of angel number 39 but it is as if the angels are trying to get your attention. They might have even sent you a message via number 39 in the past and you never noticed that they were trying to communicate with you.

Your angels are sending you a message that something in your life is either not in balance or is lacking. Something new is about to start and it will bring balance to your life. Look for opportunities for new beginnings that could bring this balance to your life.

3939 Angel Number Meaning

What does 3939 mean spiritually?

Number 3 is the first digit in the sequence 3939. Therefore, it points to the current situation before you received this message. Since angel number 3 represents balance and the connection of mind, soul, and body you can assume that this message is being sent in order to restore balance in your life. Your angels are asking you to look at the way you are balancing your priorities and your life.

The central number 93 gives the angel number 3939 its core message. The angel number 93 meaning is something in your life is ending and you are moving to the next chapter which will be better and more balanced.

The last digit signals the likely outcome. In 3939 the last digit is 9. Angel number 9 signifies an ending.

Therefore, the combination of 3 at the beginning, 93 in the middle, and 9 at the end of the sequence sends a message to spend time looking at the way you are balancing and prioritizing things in your life. You will soon be moving to the next chapter and everything will fall into place.

Your angels are asking you to look at the way you are balancing and prioritizing things in your life. Are there adjustments or changes you should make?

3939 Spiritual Meaning

The angel number 3939 meaning is as follows:

Review the balance in your life

The 3939 angel number, is sending you a message that there is something that is not in balance or is lacking in your life.

3939 angel number - balance
Once you understand which area of your life is not in balance, it is time to make changes. The changes can be tiny and they will still make an impact. For example, if you are not happy with your nutrition then add two vegetables to your daily meals. Don’t make any other changes. If you are too stressed, spend two minutes a day deep breathing.
Make a small change that will improve your life.
If you are not sure which area it is then use our free online wheel of life maker to find out. After a quick online quiz, it will tell you which areas of your life are not in balance.

Wheel of life

The first thing you need to do is to understand what area of your life is not in balance. Once you do that, it is time to take action and make changes. The changes don’t have to be big. Even small changes can improve the balance in your life and ultimately improve your life. 

Make sure your job and soul align

The 39 angel number meaning is that there is a need for you to feel fulfilled with the work you do every day. Your angels are asking you to align your career goals with your soul contract. If they are not aligned then ask yourself what job change could you make in order to align your career goals with your soul contract? In the 3939 angel number, this meaning is emphasized. Your angels are urging you to make changes to ensure you feel fulfilled with the work you do every day.
If you are not feeling fulfilled but you cannot afford to move jobs, then find another way to seek fulfillment. For example, if you don’t enjoy your job because it lacks creativity, then find another creative outlet. Take up a new hobby or start a side hustle.
If you want to start your own business, then start planning it, until you are able to take the leap.

Angel number 3939 comes as a reminder that you need to feel fulfilled with the work you do daily. Your angels are asking you to reflect and ensure that your career goals are aligned with your soul contract. If not, consider a job change. Your angels want you to feel self-fulfillment.  

Trust your inner voice

We all have inner wisdom and intuition that steers us to the best path that sits well with who we are. This is our inner voice or our soul that is speaking to us. For example, you might get a feeling you should take a step in a particular direction in your life or that you shouldn’t say what you are about to say. Sometimes, we don’t listen to this inner voice due to social pressure, lack of self-confidence or self-esteem, or simply out of fear. Over time, we stop trusting our inner voice or listening to our soul speak. When we are more in touch with our inner wisdom, it brings us closer to alignment with whom we are at our core.
3939 angel number
One of the ways to get in touch with your inner voice is through meditation. If you find it difficult to access your inner voice then try a short meditation session.

Your angels are asking you to get in touch with your inner voice and to trust it.

Be more positive

The 3939 angel number is a reminder to be more positive and to adopt a positive attitude.

3939 angel number - be positive
Try to surround yourself with positive people and stay away from negative people. Look for the positive aspects of any situation even if it seems gloomy to you.
When you look for the positive, you will find better solutions than when you have a negative outlook.
Instead of criticizing others try to express empathy and be more sympathetic. You never really know what their circumstances are and what caused them to behave the way they did.

One of the ways to be more positive is to express gratitude in your daily life. Be thankful for the things you already have no matter how small you think they are. Count your blessings every day.

When you become more positive you will find yourself surrounded with positive energy.

The 3939 angel number is a reminder to be more positive and to surround yourself with positive energy. Stay away from negative people and negative energy.

3939 Angel Number Love

If you are single:
Angel number 3939 carries the energies of new beginnings and this includes your love life. You are about to meet your perfect partner. This person will either be your soul mate or your twin flame (see Twin Flame vs Soulmate).
This person is very likely to be very passionate, loving, and nurturing.
If you are in a relationship:

Your relationship is about to reach new levels or start a new chapter. Find ways to bring positivity and optimism into your relationship and you will reap the benefits. That could mean being more patient, compassionate, or tolerant. Look for the good in your partner and your relationship.

The 3939 angel number is a sign to stay away from negative people, so if your relationship is toxic, then this is a sign to let go and release it.

3939 Angel Number Twin Flame

Angel number 3939 signals that something is ending and something new will begin. This may refer to your twin flame journey. There are different stages in a twin flame (see Twin Flame Stages). Angel 3939 is a sign that you are about to move to a new stage. If you have not yet met your twin flame, then you are probably about to meet, as this change might refer to your twin flame reunion. If you have met, then you are about to move to the next stage.

Journal Prompts

Angel numbers are sent to provoke thought and send us guidance to help us progress in life and find our life purpose. Journaling will help you understand and process your guardian angel’s secret message to you. The following journal prompts are specifically related to angel number 3939.

  1. Are you happy with your job? If not, what don’t you like?
  2. Do you feel job satisfaction? What is missing?
  3. Is there a change you can make that will make you feel more fulfilled?
  4. Describe new experiences you could like to have.
  5. Which new hobby would you like to start?
  6. Which old habits would you like to replace with new habits?
  7. Describe your achievements in the last 5 years. What are you most proud of?
  8. Do you have any emotional wounds?

3939 Numerology

Numerology finds meaning through numbers. To find the meaning of 3939 in numerology, you reduce the digits in 3939 (3+9+3+9=24). You then reduce 24 to 6 (2+4=6).

The number 6 numerology meaning is one of love, nurturing, caring, and family values. It also represents the balance between family and work or family and friends. The angel number 6 meaning is to balance your material and spiritual needs. Reflect and focus on your purpose.

You are being asked to balance your material and spiritual needs. This is a good opportunity to reflect on your life purpose.

3939 Meaning

The 39 39 angel number is made up of the cardinal numbers 3 and 9 and is reduced to the number 6, and therefore has the attributes and energies of numbers 3, 6, and 9.

  • Number 3 carries the vibrations of growth, harmony, inspiration, optimism, and enthusiasm.
  • Number 6 symbolizes love, nurturing, caring, and family values.
  • Number 9 carries the vibrations of compassion, spiritualism, generosity, kindness, and unconditional love.