808 Angel Number

808 angel number

Your guardian angels send you the 808 angel number when  abundance is about to enter your life.   There are some things you need to do to ensure this happens.  Read on to see what they are.

Why do I see 808 all over? If you are seeing 808, it might not be a coincidence, but a sign from your guardian angels. This is called an angel number. It is a message or guidance that your angels send you as a repeating number. For example, you might keep looking at the clock at 8:08. If this happens more than once, it might be the 8:08 angel number. What is the 8:08 meaning?

808 Spiritual Meaning

What does 808 mean spiritually?

 You create your destiny 

You are responsible for your destiny. You have the power to create the life you want.
808 angel number - you create your own destiny

The significance of angel number 808 is the repetition of the number 8 which repeats itself twice in 808. Eight is the number of Karma, which refers to the spiritual principle of cause and effect, which basically states that our thoughts and actions will affect us at some time in the future.

This is a reminder that you are the one who is responsible for your destiny. If you can imagine it then you can bring your dreams into reality.

Close your eyes for one minute and imagine the life you would like to live.

 The foundation for your future is here 

Angel number 808 is an invitation to stop and recognize your achievements and celebrate your accomplishments.

According to Mystic Michaela, in “The Angel Numbers Book: How to Understand the Messages Your Spirit Guides Are Sending You”, this is a sign to rejoice. You are self-aware and focused on personal growth. This is a message that even though the journey was not always easy, you overcame the obstacles along the way and you took control of your response. The habits you have formed will be the solid foundations for your future. Michaela suggests you do something special for yourself today to celebrate how far you have come and all you have accomplished.

This might mean acknowledging your poor choices and taking responsibility for them. Use them to learn important lessons. Nobody gets anywhere worthwhile without making mistakes on the way. It takes courage to admit you have made a mistake and to learn from it.

Close your eyes for one minute and think about the things you have achieved. Recognize all your achievements no matter how small they are.

 Find your higher purpose in life 

The 808 angel number is a message to find your higher purpose in life. Once you find your purpose, examine your life to determine if your goals and lifestyle are related to your purpose. If not, take this opportunity to change and start aligning your life with your life purpose.

Your guardian angels are asking you to find your higher purpose in life. If you are not sure what it is, then use this time for reflection.

808 angel number - your purpose
What is your passion? What are your talents? Are you using your greatest talents? How can you help others? What do you enjoy? Listen to your intuition and inner wisdom when searching for your higher purpose and soul mission in life. You can also ask people who are close to you to get their insights, but the final decision on what to do with your life needs to come from you. It must be something you want and not something you do to please others.
If you don’t know what your purpose is in life then this is the perfect time to find your purpose. We will help you find it step-by-step.

Your purpose should align with your natural talents and motivate you to do whatever it takes to move forward. Take advantage of your potential instead of ignoring it and wasting it. Living your life with purpose leads to long-term success and fulfillment.

To live your life well and reach your potential, you need to focus your efforts in the right direction.  By focusing on your natural talents, you will find your purpose in life. When you align your work and your life with your purpose, you will find success and live your best life.

  You are in a position of strength 

You are in a position of strength and you have more power than you think. You can live your best life and reach your full potential.

According to Kyle Gray, angel number 808 means that you are in a position of strength. Trust that all is in order.

This is a positive sign that you have more power than you think. Use it wisely. You are the creator of your life. You have the power to create your ideal life and reach your full potential. Connect to your higher self.
808 angel number - power

Your thoughts are powerful tools. They can send you in the direction you want to go or they can keep you stuck in one place. Negative thoughts, in particular, can be very powerful. They can prevent you from progressing. It is hard to move forward when dealing with negative thoughts and feelings. Make an effort to keep your thoughts positive. With some self-awareness and conscious effort, you can change your thoughts and inner voice.

 Remain focused on your truth 

Stay true to yourself by living according to your core values and beliefs and doing the things that are important to you and make you happy.

Another meaning of 808 according to Kyle Gray, is to remain focused on your truth and trust that all is in order. Stay in alignment with your true self. Be in harmony with yourself. This will bring clarity and mental peace to your life.

Maintaining a deception or false image for others requires effort and energy you could be spending more productively. For example, when talking to others do you exaggerate the good things in your life while omitting any negative struggles? Do you do this in order to avoid facing problems that are difficult to fix? Lying to yourself only hides or ignores issues that will eventually come up. This is a message to take the time to identify falsehoods you may be holding on to. Take this opportunity to seek the truth.

When your truth is not present enough in your life you might feel like you are not honoring your most authentic self. This will prevent you from thriving.

The easiest way to build a life that feels meaningful and fulfilling is to always make choices based on your core values. When these values guide you, you will live the life you really want to live. On the other hand, when you allow outside interests to make choices for you, then these external forces will not always align with your internal needs.

This is a great opportunity to do some soul searching to discover what is really important to you. What are your core values and beliefs? Are you living according to them?

When you live according to your core values, then you experience true abundance in your life. Your life will be full of the things you define as meaningful. Abundance occurs when you have everything you need and feel fulfilled.

Another advantage of defining your core values is decision-making. Once you have defined your core values, it will be easier to evaluate decisions in life – both big and small – based on how well they align with your values. For example, if you don’t enjoy your job but the benefits are great, ask yourself if your job inhibits your core values by jeopardizing your health or relationships. Once you evaluate decisions this way, it is easier to focus on your truth and find the path that will serve you and your needs best.

 Expect abundance 

Angel number 808 is a sign that abundance is about to come into your life. Spend time appreciating what you already have before you manifest new things.

The angel number 808 meaning is related to manifestation. Since the number 8 resembles infinity (eight is the symbol of infinity on its side) and it appears twice in the number 808, you can assume that positive abundance is about to come into your life.

808 angel number - abundance
The 8:08 angel number is a sign that you are a magnet for manifestation at the moment. This is confirmation that you can manifest anything you want (see How to Manifest Something).

Before you ask to manifest new things, make sure you count your blessings and appreciate what you have already.

Close your eyes for two minutes. Express gratitude for all the things you have in life. Then visualize the things you would like to manifest. Try to visualize in as much detail as you can. Think about your ideal life and visualize yourself living that life.

 808 Angel Number Manifestation 

The 808 angel number is a powerful message about the potential for financial abundance and success, the importance of maintaining a positive flow of energy, and the opportunity for new beginnings in your manifestation efforts. It encourages you to stay focused on your goals and reassures you that the universe is working to help you achieve them.

It carries a message that blends the energies and symbolism of the number 8 and the number 0. Each component of this sequence contributes to the overall meaning in a unique way:

  1. Abundance and Financial Success (Number 8): The number 8 in numerology is often associated with abundance, financial success, and material wealth. In the context of manifestation, seeing 808 suggests that your efforts towards manifesting financial stability and abundance are supported and may soon come to fruition. It’s a sign that the universe is aligning to help you achieve your financial and material goals.
  2. Infinity and Continuity (Number 8): The shape of the number 8, resembling the infinity symbol, also represents the continuous flow of energy and resources. This aspect of 8 in 808 emphasizes the idea of sustained abundance and the ongoing nature of your manifestation efforts.
  3. Potential and New Beginnings (Number 0): The number 0 symbolizes potential, wholeness, and the beginning of a spiritual journey. Its presence in 808 can indicate that you are at a point of significant potential in your manifestation journey. It suggests that you have the opportunity to start fresh or to approach your manifestation efforts from a new perspective.
  4. Amplification of Energies: The 0 in 808 also serves to amplify the energies of the number 8. This amplification reinforces the power of your intentions and efforts towards manifesting abundance and success.
  5. Karmic Balance (Number 8): The double occurrence of 8 in 808 can also imply a karmic aspect to your manifestation efforts. It suggests that what you put out into the universe, in terms of your actions and intentions, will come back to you. This serves as a reminder to maintain positive thoughts and actions as you work towards your goals.
  6. Encouragement and Support: Seeing 808 during your manifestation journey can be interpreted as a sign of encouragement and support from the universe or your spiritual guides. It’s a message that you are on the right path and that your efforts to manifest your desires, particularly those related to financial and material abundance, are supported.

808 Angel Number Relationships

The 808 angel number in the context of relationships symbolizes balance, new beginnings, and infinite possibilities. The number 8 represents abundance and karmic balance, suggesting that relationships influenced by this number will likely be marked by harmony and mutual give-and-take. The zero in the middle emphasizes potential and the start of a spiritual journey, indicating that a relationship may be entering a new phase or that one should be open to new connections. This number also hints at the importance of maintaining a balance between the material and spiritual aspects of a relationship, ensuring that both partners grow not just emotionally and physically together, but also spiritually. The repeated appearance of 8, resembling the infinity symbol, underscores the enduring and transformative nature of these relationships.

 808 Angel Number Love 

The 808 meaning in relationships is a positive one. The number 808 is a sign that you can manifest anything and that includes love and relationships (see How to Manifest Someone). You can meet your soulmate or twin flame (Twin Flame vs Soulmate).

twin flame 808 Angel Number Twin Flame 

 Twin flame separation 

The 808 angel number twin flame meaning is that when you met your twin flame, you were not ready to be in each other’s lives at the time. You are now both in a different stage in your lives and ready for your reunion. Your separation will not last much longer. Use this time for spiritual development. Try our free Getting Over a Breakup Journal. You will continue to progress in your spiritual journal after your reunion.

 Twin flame reunion 

Number 808 is a sign that your angels are setting you up for a twin flame reunion. The twin flame relationship will be very intense and unlike others that you have had in the past. You may have already met your twin flame in the past, however, you were not ready to be in each other’s lives at the time. You are now both in a different stage in your lives and ready for your reunion. If you have met someone and are not sure if they are your twin flame then take our Twin Flame Test.

 808 Angel Number Soulmate 

The 808 angel number, when interpreted in the context of soulmates and relationships, carries a unique significance. It can offer insights into the nature of your current or future relationships:

  1. Harmony and Balance: The number 8 in numerology is often associated with balance, karma, and reciprocity. In a relationship context, this could suggest that your soulmate connection will be characterized by a harmonious give-and-take, where both partners contribute equally to the relationship.
  2. Endless Love and Eternity: The shape of the number 8, which resembles the infinity symbol, can symbolize an enduring, infinite bond between soulmates. This suggests a relationship that is deeply connected and long-lasting.
  3. New Beginnings or Phases in Relationships: The 0 in the middle of 808 is symbolic of potential, new beginnings, and the infinite nature of the universe. In terms of soulmate connections, this might indicate the start of a new, significant relationship or a transformative phase in an existing relationship.
  4. Spiritual Connection: The presence of 0, often associated with spiritual journeys and the divine, suggests that your soulmate relationship will have a strong spiritual component. This connection might not just be emotionally and physically fulfilling but also spiritually uplifting.
  5. Karmic Aspects: Given the karmic implications of the number 8, the 808 angel number might also hint at a soulmate relationship that has karmic roots or lessons. This could mean that your connection with your soulmate serves a higher purpose or is meant to teach you important life lessons.
  6. Encouragement and Support: Seeing 808 repeatedly could be interpreted as a sign of encouragement from the universe or guardian angels in your quest for finding or nurturing your soulmate relationship. It might be a reminder to stay positive and open to love.

 808 Angel Number After Breakup 

The 808 angel number appearing after a breakup can be interpreted as a meaningful sign in the context of healing, personal growth, and the journey ahead. Here’s how this number might be understood in such a situation:

  1. New Beginnings and Closure: The presence of 0 in 808 symbolizes potential, new beginnings, and the infinite nature of life’s journey. After a breakup, this could signify the start of a new chapter in your life, encouraging you to embrace the change and the opportunities that come with it.
  2. Financial Stability and Independence: Since the number 8 is often associated with abundance and financial success, seeing 808 post-breakup might be a reminder to focus on your financial independence and security. It could be a prompt to reassess your financial goals and work towards stability.
  3. Balance and Harmony: The number 8 also represents balance and karma. After a breakup, 808 might be urging you to find balance in your life again, suggesting that harmony will be restored as you heal and move forward.
  4. Infinite Possibilities and Growth: The shape of the number 8, resembling the infinity symbol, suggests endless possibilities and continuous growth. This can be particularly comforting after a breakup, as it implies that there is much more to experience and learn in your personal journey.
  5. Karmic Lessons and Spiritual Growth: The karmic implications of the number 8 in 808 might indicate that your past relationship and the breakup were part of your spiritual and karmic journey, teaching you valuable lessons that contribute to your personal growth.
  6. Encouragement and Support: Seeing 808 after a breakup could also be interpreted as a sign of support and encouragement from the universe or your guardian angels. It might be a message to stay strong, keep faith in the journey ahead, and remain open to new experiences and relationships.

808 Angel Number Money

moneyThe angel number 808 meaning when it comes to money is that you can manifest anything you want from financial stability to financial abundance. The choice is yours. See How to Manifest Money.

Here’s a general interpretation of what the 808 angel number might signify in relation to money:

  1. Financial Stability and Abundance: The number 8 in numerology is often associated with abundance, prosperity, and financial success. It’s a number that’s believed to bring good fortune, especially in financial matters. The double appearance of 8 in 808 amplifies this energy.
  2. Balance and Wisdom in Financial Decisions: The number 0 in the middle is often seen as a symbol of potential and choice. It can represent the beginning of a spiritual journey and the uncertainties that come with it. In the context of money, this might suggest the need for balance and wisdom in making financial decisions.
  3. Karmic Rewards: In some spiritual beliefs, the number 8 is linked to the concept of karma. The repetition of 8 in 808 could imply that your financial gains or losses might be closely tied to your actions and the energy you put out into the world.
  4. Encouragement for Financial Endeavors: Seeing 808 repeatedly might be interpreted as a sign or encouragement from the universe or guardian angels to focus on your financial goals and aspirations. It could be a nudge to take that leap of faith in a business venture or to be more mindful of your financial planning.
  5. Transformation and New Beginnings: The presence of 0, often associated with new beginnings, suggests that there might be significant changes or transformations in your financial life. This could mean a new job, a sudden windfall, or a change in how you manage your finances.
  6. Harmony in Material and Spiritual Worlds: The combination of 8 and 0 can also signify the need for harmony between the material and spiritual worlds. It might be a reminder to not just focus on material wealth but also to nurture your spiritual growth and well-being.

Journal Prompts

One of the ways to better understand the message that your guardian angels are sending you is to journal. Here are some journal prompts that will help you understand the message that the 8:08 angel number sends.

Once you have chosen your journal prompt from the selection below, copy it (highlight it with your mouse, right-click on your mouse, and select copy) and then click on the button below to insert it into a journal page.

Add a journal prompt to a page

  • What is your passion?
  • What are your talents?
  • What do you enjoy?
  • How can you help others?
  • How do you define your ideal life?
  • What are the things you want to manifest to live your best life?
  • What are your core values and beliefs? Are you living according to them?


When your guardian angels send you a message, it is for your highest good and to guide you towards positive changes in your life. However, implementing these messages and making the necessary changes can sometimes be challenging. This is where affirmations can play a crucial role in helping you change your mindset and take action.

Affirmations are positive statements that you repeat to yourself, consciously reinforcing empowering beliefs and shifting your perspective. They have the power to reprogram your subconscious mind and align your thoughts with the desired changes you want to make.

Your affirmations must be meaningful to you, so personalize them if they are not relevant to you. Repeat each affirmation 10 times a day. Also, don’t forget that it isn’t enough to repeat affirmations. You need to take action as well. Affirmations are a step toward your goals but will not make you reach them if you don’t take any action.

Take our free online course on how to use affirmations to transform your life or see How to Write Affirmations and Manifestation Affirmations.

  • I am the creator of my own destiny, and I shape my reality with my thoughts, beliefs, and actions.
  • I expect abundance in all areas of my life, knowing that the universe is abundant and supports my desires.
  • I recognize the immense power within me, and I harness it to manifest my dreams and aspirations.
  • I release any limiting beliefs that hold me back and embrace the limitless possibilities that await me.
  • I am a magnet for positive opportunities, and I attract success, abundance, and joy into my life effortlessly.
  • I trust in my intuition and inner guidance, knowing that I have the power to make choices that align with my highest good.
  • I am worthy of all the blessings and abundance that life has to offer, and I open myself to receive them fully.
  • I acknowledge the strength and resilience within me, knowing that I can overcome any challenges that come my way.
  • I am the captain of my ship, steering my life towards greatness, fulfillment, and happiness.
  • I tap into my unlimited potential and unleash my hidden talents, realizing that I possess more power and abilities than I ever imagined.

Repeat these affirmations with conviction and belief in your innate power to create your destiny and manifest abundance. Embrace the understanding that you are a co-creator of your reality and that you have the power to shape your life according to your desires. Trust in your abilities, have faith in the universe, and take inspired action to bring your dreams to life.

808 Meaning Numerology

The meaning of 808 according to numerology is based on that of 7 since 808 can be reduced to number seven (8+0+8=16 / 1+6=7).

Number 818 is made up of the two cardinal digits 8 and 1. It, therefore, has the attributes, energy, and vibrations of both numbers 8 and 1. Since the number 8 appears twice, it has double the energy and emphasis.

808 Angel Number Meaning

When considering the angel number 808 meaning, one way to understand it is to break the number sequence down.

  • Number 8 is the first digit in the sequence 808. Therefore, it points to your current situation or that of your immediate future. Since angel number 8 is a sign of abundance, prosperity, and manifestation. You can assume that good things are on their way.
  • The central number 0 gives the angel number 808 its core message. According to Kyle Gray, angel number 0 is a sign that God is close by. You are never alone.
  • The last digit signals the likely outcome. In 808 the last digit is also 8. Therefore, this is a message to stay positive and be open to receiving all the goodness that the Universe wants to give you.

The combination of 8 at the beginning and end of the number sequence and 0 in the middle, sends a message that  your angels are supporting you, and abundance and prosperity are on their way. 

Angel number 808 comes to send you a message that abundance and prosperity are about to come your way so stay positive and be open to receiving this goodness.

0808 Angel Number

Is the meaning of the 0808 angel number similar to that of 808? What does 0808 mean?

As mentioned above, the digit 0 is a sign that you are not alone. Therefore, the meaning of angel number 0808 is similar to that of 808 but there is more emphasis on you not being alone. It is as if the angels want to place extra emphasis on the support you have right now.

The primary difference between the 808 and 0808 angel numbers lies in the presence of the additional zero at the beginning of 0808. While both sequences include the energies and symbolism of the numbers 8 and 0, the structure of 0808 introduces a slightly different nuance:

  1. The Influence of 0: In numerology, the number 0 often symbolizes potential, the beginning of a spiritual journey, and the concept of infinity. It represents both the starting point and the endless possibilities that the universe offers. The presence of an additional 0 at the beginning of 0808 can amplify and intensify the energies of the numbers it accompanies, in this case, 8.
  2. Amplification and Emphasis: The additional 0 in 0808 can amplify and emphasize the messages of the number 8. It suggests that the themes of abundance, financial success, and karmic balance associated with 8 are not just present but are of significant importance and are being strongly highlighted.
  3. A Focus on Spiritual and Universal Aspects: The addition of the extra 0 in 0808 introduces a more pronounced spiritual or universal dimension to the message. It can indicate a stronger connection to spiritual guidance or a reminder that the universe is actively involved in the situation at hand, particularly in reinforcing the messages of abundance and karmic balance.
  4. A New Beginning or Fresh Start: The extra 0 at the beginning of 0808 can also signify a new beginning or a fresh start, especially in a spiritual sense. It suggests that the influences and lessons signified by 808 are part of a significant new phase or a major shift in your spiritual journey.

In summary, while 808 focuses on themes like abundance, financial stability, and karmic balance, the sequence 0808 emphasizes these aspects more strongly due to the additional 0. It adds a spiritual or universal dimension to the message and suggests a significant new beginning or emphasis in relation to the themes of 808.