
Hi! Thanks for visiting this site and taking the time to read about me.

For as long as I can remember, I have always been attracted to numbers. I have an MBA and I majored in finance. I’ve been studying numerology for the last 12 years and I find the field fascinating and comforting. Comforting since it helps me feel supported and confident when I need to make a decision in life.

Time after time, I see how the signs I received helped me make the right decisions and take the best path. I have been using numerology to help friends and family for the last 7 years, even since I felt confident enough to use the skills I acquired over the years to help others.

Numerology helped me find my life purpose and soul mission. I have helped many people use the powers of the Universe to help them realize their potential and live their best life.

I have been so blessed and I am grateful to have the opportunity to help others live their best life too.

Life is often full of risks, uncertainty, and pressure. When we have to make a decision, we often find ourselves putting it off rather than deciding. Angel numbers or numerology help us make a decision and move forward.

It’s important to note that numerology can help guide you in the right direction, but no matter what message it sends you, never follow the advice if it contradicts what your intuition and inner voice tell you to do. There is one exception to that rule, and that is when your gut tells you that making a decision can bring you closer to your life purpose, but you are too afraid to leave your comfort zone and therefore prefer to listen to your doubtful inner voice. When your inner voice is being led by self-doubt, then have faith in numerology.

Another important note is that numerology in general or angel numbers specifically can help you reach your purpose, but they don’t do the work for you. They can help you make decisions, but you have to take action and do the work. Once you do, you can rely on them to help you get wherever you want to go.

I see numerology as a way to help people create more purpose in their life and live a happier and more optimistic life. We all get only one life, so let’s live it well!