Gematria Calculator


Gematria Chart

Simple English Gematria Chart

Simple English Gematria Chart

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For example, what is the value of the word “cat”?

  • C=3
  • A=1
  • T=20
  • Therefore, the value of cat is 3+1+20=24

Pythagorean English Gematria

Pythagorean English Gematria Chart

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Pythagorean English Gematria is based on a method called “Reduction.” All numbers are reduced to single digits. Letters A to I all have single-digit numerical values. Letters J-Z  have double digit values and need to be reduced. For example, Z is 26 according to the simple English Gematria chart above. According to Pythagorean Gematria, Z will be equal to 8 (2+6) this is the sum of its digits.
However, there are certain exceptions to this rule.

  • The letter K has a value of 11 according to the simple English Gematria chart above. According to Pythagorean Gematria, the value of K can be either 2 or 11. The reason for this is because K is considered a master number and it can be reduced but doesn’t need to be reduced.
  • The letter V has a value of 22 according to the simple English Gematria chart above. According to Pythagorean Gematria, the value of K can be either 4 or 44. K is also considered a master number and it can be reduced but doesn’t need to be reduced.
    The letter S is also an exception. It can be 1, 10, or 19.

Hebrew Gematria Chart

According to Hebrew Gematria, the following numerical values have been allocated to each Hebrew letter. The following chart shows the numerical value of Hebrew alphabet.

Hebrew Gematria Chart

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How to Use the Online Gematria Calculator

The function of the calculator is to save you time and do the English or Jewish Gematria calculation for you.

  1. Type the letter, word or phrase that you would like to check in the Gematria calc above.
  2. The numerical value of the letter, word or phrase will appear.

English Gematria Calculator

Enter an English word or sentence in the calculator at the top of this page to check its Gematria value.

Hebrew Gematria Calculator

Enter a Hebrew word or sentence (in Hebrew) in the calculator at the top of this page to check its Gematria value.


For grammatical reasons, certain Hebrew letters have two different pronunciations. However, the numerical value of the letter remains the same regardless of its pronunciation.

What is Gematria?

Gematria started in Hebrew in biblical times and was later adopted by other cultures in other languages. An example of this use is Roman numerals which are still in use today.

The word gematria is thought to be derived from the Greek letter gamma (the third letter in the Greek alphabet) since the number “3” in numerology has special significance. Others claim that it is derived from the Greek word geometria, which means “geometry.” There is no consensus and nobody really knows for sure.

Jewish Gematria or Hebrew Gematria (sometimes called “gimatria,”) is a method of giving numerical values to the Hebrew letters. The value of each letter in a Hebrew word or phrase is then added together to get the value of the word or phrase. It is basically the numeric equivalent of words. If words or phrases score the same number then it is said that there is a connection between them. English Gematria uses a similar system and gives each letter of the English alphabet a numerical value.

How is Gematria Calculated?

Each letter has a numerological value in gematria. Gematrists use different methods to calculate the numerological value of letters. The value of a word or phrase is the sum of the numerology values of each letter in the word or phrase. See the cipher charts below for the value of each letter.

A Gematria decoder, such as the online calculator above, works out the value of any letter, word, or phrase for you and saves you the trouble of calculating each letter. However, if you prefer to do the calculation yourself then see the Gematria chart below.

How is Gematria Used?

One of the most common examples of gematria is the word “chai” (חי) in Hebrew. Chai means life and is made up of two letters “chet” and “yod”. Together they produce a sum of 18 and this has become a positive spiritual number. Jewish people often give gifts in multiples of 18.

Many people use Gematria to interpret and uncover hidden meanings in the bible.

According to the book “Letters of Light: The Power And Essence Of The Alef-Beis In The Light Of Kabbalah And Chassidus”, when the same letters are transposed to form different words, they retain the common energy of their shared gematria according to Kabbalah. Because of this, the words maintain a connection in the different forms. The English equivalent is called an anagram which is any word or phrase that exactly reproduces the letters in another order. In Hebrew, many words share the same root even though they sound different. Words with the same root are related and their meanings are connected.

We have worked hard to make this best Gematria Calculator. However, if you have suggestions on how it can be improved then please leave a comment below.

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