101 Planners » Personal Development » Journaling » Journal Template

Journal Template

Are you looking to enjoy the many benefits that journaling has to offer without spending a cent? We provide free printable or digital journal templates customized to your needs and free of charge! Download your journal today!

What would you like to focus on?

Click on your top priorities to find a journal that focuses on the things that are important to you. You can either download a ready-made journal template or you can combine templates to create customized journals that will help you reach all your goals!

Brain Dump
Bullet Journal
Personal Growth
meal tracker
weight loss
self care
mood tracker

Spend at least a few minutes each day putting your thoughts and feelings on paper to clear your mind and process your thoughts and experiences. You will notice that when you do this regularly, journaling will help you feel calmer and make space for positivity. You can journal about anything and we offer many free journal templates to help you get started and journal prompts if you are not sure what to write about. We also offer many journal ideas.

Journal Templates

Generic Journals

Pre-Made Bullet Journal

We offer a selection of free printable pre-made bullet journals or blank printable journal pages. These pages will get you organized and boost your productivity.

Premade bullet journalPin

Daily Journal Template

We offer free printable daily journal pages that are blank with lines or dot-grid backgrounds for those looking for a blank journal paper printable. You can also add a journal prompt to each page before you download it.


Calendar Journal

Calendar JournalPinA weekly journal template has space to journal each day of the week. These templates are designed for journaling. If you are looking to plan your week, see our weekly planner or a Bullet Journal weekly spread.

Customize and Print

weekly journal templatesPin

Customize and Print

A journal or diary is used to record details of your life such as experiences, feelings, or thoughts. Whereas a notebook is open and has no structure, a calendar journal provides sections for each day, week, or month. In a calendar journal, each section is used to record events or thoughts relevant to that date. Since journaling works best when done consistently, a calendar journal increases the chances you will be consistent since you have a section to fill each day. It is easier to notice that you haven’t recorded anything that day whereas with a blank notebook journal you might go for long periods without journaling.

You don’t need to write a lot each day. Even one word or sentence is enough. The idea is to be present and mindful and in touch with your thoughts even if it is only for two minutes each day.

The calendar journal templates on this site are fully customizable. You can change the titles, calendar, embellishments, and calendar journal template. Add your own text and edit the existing text. You can add any doodle or decoration with the click of a button with the help of our digital bullet journal app. Journal decorating has never been easier!

The templates below are in weekly format. If you prefer a daily or monthly format then see bullet journal calendars.

Blank Journal

We offer a personalized tool to help you discover which is the best blank journal notebook for you specifically. There is also a comparison table made after testing various notebooks on the market. It will help you find the best product for you according to the number of journal pages you need, and the quality of the paper which will depend a lot on the pens that you plan to use. Find the perfect bullet journal notebook for you.

If you want to create your own blank journal then here are some blank journal pages to print:

blank journalPin


Gratitude Journal

Gratitude JournalPin

This 50-page gratitude journal includes gratitude prompts, quotes and space to write the things you are grateful for. We also offer a free daily gratitude journal with space to write 5 things you are grateful for every day for a full year.

Weight Loss Journal

Weight Loss JournalPin

This DIY weight loss journal PDF has 41 pages including motivational quotes, a water tracker, a workout tracker, a habit tracker, weight loss trackers, a menu plan, a food diary template, journal pages, and many more weight loss printables.

We also offer a free intuitive eating journal.

Sleep Journal & Dream Journal

Sleep Tracker Bullet JournalPin

Habit Journal

This Atomic Habits journal is based on the book Atomic Habits by James Clear. It will help you to develop new habits or get rid of bad habits. It is based on the idea that small changes can cause remarkable results.

atomic habits journalPin

Self Love Journal | Wellness Journal

wellness plannerPin

Self-Care Journal

This is a 30-day Self-Care Journal

Self-Reflection Journal

This journal template has space to write self-reflection every day for a full year. You can start anywhere and complete a year by changing the order of the pages. The PDF document is typeable.

Self-Reflection JournalPin

Typeable PDF

Restore Balance to Your Life – Wheel of Life

Use the wheel of life planner to restore balance and harmony to your life.

wheel of life plannerPin

Personal Development & Growth

Goal Setting Journal

Free Printable Goals JournalPin

This 40-page goal-setting journal will help you reach your goals and live the life you dreamed of.

See also intention journal and the Growth Mindset journal

Reading Journal

We offer a free printable reading journal. The 17-page reading journal includes book quotes, reading logs, book trackers, book reviews, library book tracker, and more.

Bullet journal book trackerPin

Manifestation Journal

This 94-page manifestation journal will help you manifest your dream life!

Free Manifestation JournalPin

This journal PDF free download is available in various designs and formats.

Affirmation Journal

This 41-page affirmation journal is available in color or in black and white.

Affirmation Bullet JournalPin


Overcome Limiting Beliefs

This workbook-style journal will help you overcome limiting beliefs.

Overcome limiting beliefsPin

Journal for Control Freaks

This 35-page journal includes journal prompts to help people who always need to be in control to curb their inner control freak. The journal questions are designed to help you understand why you cannot let go in order to reduce stress and improve happiness and relationships with others.

Journal for Control Freaks

Inner Child Work

Inner child workPin


Getting Over a Breakup

This 56-page journal will help you get over a breakup and come out stronger.

Relationship / Couples Journal

In order to make a relationship work, you need to focus on what you appreciate about the other person, and not the things that bother you. According to the Law of Attraction, when you complain too much about your partner, you land up getting more of those things. On the other hand, when you focus on their strengths you will get more of them. It is easier said than done and one of the ways in which to make it happen is a couples journal. This journal can be used by one partner in a relationship but it will be more effective if the work is done as a couple.

The journal will help you focus more on what you appreciate about your partner. Even if you are having problems in your relationship and your complaints are justified you can still turn the relationship around with this relationship journal.

A study was done by the University of Texas where 86 dating couples either wrote about their daily activities or their deepest thoughts and feelings about their relationships for 3 consecutive days. Those that wrote about their relationship were more likely to be together a few months later than those who wrote about their daily activities.

The PDF file is typeable.

Couples JournalPin

Customize and Print

Use this opportunity to ask your partner “is this relationship going in the direction you want it to go? Use this quality time to work on your communication and get a better idea of how each side of the relationship feels before things blow up.


Bible Study Journal

Bible study journalPin

Journal for Kids

Journal for KidsPin

See 101 Journal Prompts for Kids

To get the most out of journaling, make it a regular practice, setting aside a specific time each day for reflection. This consistency helps in developing a deeper self-awareness and ensures that journaling becomes a valuable part of your daily routine. Reflect on both your achievements and challenges, as this balance can provide insights into personal growth and resilience.

Different Kinds of Journal Templates

There are many kinds of pre-made printable journals on this site, and they are all free! You can either write whatever comes to mind each day or have a specific theme. Here are some ideas:

  • A daily journal template records memorable events and/or feelings and thoughts each day. Morning pages or morning journal prompts are great ways to start your day. If you prefer to write short entries each day, then you might prefer to use a calendar journal.
  • A gratitude journal is used to express gratitude each day. Every day you write at least one thing you are grateful for. See the benefits of gratitude.
  • A brain dump is used to get everything on paper and off your mind. It is great for stress relief.
  • A goals journal can be used to write your goals, how you plan to achieve them, and journal about your progress.
  • A sports journal or fitness journal to keep track of your workouts, goals, and achievements.
  • A food diary including what you ate, how you felt, and so forth.
  • A travel journal records experiences during a trip.
  • An ideas journal is a place to write ideas that pop into your head during the day.
  • Many more – see below.

You can also use a blank notebook or print our free lined paper or dot grid paper.

Here is a selection of free printable or digital journals.

Benefits of Journaling

Keeping a journal has many benefits.


We are often so caught up in our everyday lives that we don’t stop to self-reflect. One of the benefits of bullet journaling is that the system is built in such a way that you are forced to devote some time to reflect each day in order to migrate content from spread to spread. See bullet journal reflection.


Journaling brings you into a state of mindfulness. When you are writing about your feelings and thoughts you are forced to be present and to think about what is on your mind. You actively engage with your thoughts and feelings in order to write them in your diary or journal.

Retain More Memories

We forget so much when we don’t write it down. I have been keeping a journal for many years. Often I happen to read an entry from years ago and it helps me understand where I came from and the progress I have made. When I am having a tough time and read through old entries during which I tackled obstacles, I am reminded that I am strong enough to deal with difficulties. I did it once and I can do it again. Sometimes, when things get tough you feel like you have never dealt with anything like this but you have and you can.

A journal also reminds you of the beautiful memories that you might have forgotten had you not recorded them.

Also, writing something down increases the chance that you will remember it.

Creative Outlet

Writing in a journal is a great creative outlet. You can use colored pens, add doodles, stickers, etc.

Julia Cameron developed morning pages (three pages of longhand consciousness writing done first thing in the morning) to unleash creativity.

Relieve Stress and Ease Trauma

Writing in a journal is a good way to relieve stress. According to Harvard Medical School, writing about thoughts and feelings that arise from a traumatic or stressful life experience may help some people cope with the emotional fallout of such events.

Improve Decision Making and Critical Thinking

Journaling helps examine past experiences, evaluate your actions and draw insights that can be helpful for future decision-making (Stacy Walker). We can learn a lot from past experiences and the results of those experiences, however when we don’t stop to examine and evaluate these actions and their results then we often fault to gain important insight that can help us in the future.

Reaching Goals

Journaling about your goals will increase the chance that you reach them. Put your goals on paper, write how you want to achieve them, journal about your progress, the difficulties you encounter, and how you plan to overcome them.

Resolve Disagreements with Others

Writing about misunderstandings and disagreements will help you understand another’s point of view according to Psychcentral. It might even help you come up with a sensible resolution to the conflict.

Manage Depression

According to Positive Psychology, journaling has been shown to be effective in helping people manage their depressive symptoms.

James Pennebaker, a distinguished professor at the University of Texas has done 40 years of research on the connection between writing and emotional processing (source). When Pennebaker started journaling himself his depression lifted and he felt liberated. It also helped him see his purpose in life and his opportunities. His research revealed that people who write about emotionally charged experiences show an increase in their physical and mental well-being. They were happier, less depressed, and less anxious.

James Pennebaker journaling to manage depression and ease anxiety: Set a timer for 20 minutes. Open up your journal, use lined paper, or use our free printable journal. Start writing about your emotional experiences from the past week, month, and year. Write whatever comes to mind without judgment and don’t worry about grammar or your writing style. Do this for a few days then throw the pages away. You can even burn them if you want to.

Track Progress

One of the things I love about keeping a journal is seeing my progress. I often look back exactly a year or two or three before an entry to see where I was then compared to where I am today. We often don’t notice how much progress we have made in life and we forget where we were. A journal is a great way to remind you that even if you made baby steps over time you made progress.

Cope with Trauma

A study of 63 laid-off workers, found that those who journaled about their feelings of humiliation, anger, and anxiety were three times more likely to find employment than those who didn’t journal (source).

What to journal about

Some people prefer to write freely. They write about anything that comes to mind.

Others prefer to use journal prompts to get them started.

Another way to help you find topics to journal about is to use the journal pages above. There are many free journal templates that focus on different issues.

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About the Author
Photo of NicoleMy name is Nicole and I love journaling. I have created many free journal templates and journaling tools that I share on this website. I hope that you will find them helpful too.

1 thought on “Journal Template”

  1. Do you perhaps have a design for someone who wrights a lot. Journaling in a private diary style with doodles and notes, date spaces etc.?

    I tend to wright and scribble a lot

    Kind Regards


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