111 Angel Number

Angel Number 111

The 111 angel number sends a message that your life is about to get a makeover. This is an opportunity to manifest your best life. Read on to see what you need to do to make it happen.

Why do I keep seeing 111?You might see repeating ones on license plates, phone numbers, receipts, etc. If you’ve been seeing the number 111 often, then it’s not a coincidence. If you believe in God and the higher power of angels, this should not surprise you. The numbers 11 and 1111 have a significant and spiritual meaning. So, if you’ve been seeing this sequence of numbers, your guardian angel has an important message. Want to know what the number 111 means? Keep reading!

111 Angel Number Meaning

What does 111 mean in angel numbers? 

111 Angel Number

111 Spiritual Meaning

What does 111 mean spiritually?

New Beginning

Things are about to get a makeover 111
According to “The Divine Practice of Angel Numbers: Raise Your Vibration with the Archangels, by Leeza Robertson”, when you see the angel number 111 you can pretty much know that things are about to get a makeover. Right now, there is an area of your life that needs you to step into and claim it. You cannot delegate in this area. You need to be the one to be there with your energy.

The power of 111 flows with the vibration of love. If there is an area of your life where you feel fear, doubt, guilt, shame, sadness, disconnection, and anger, you need to work on getting these energies to stop blocking your life. Only then true heart energy can flow.

You are being asked to look at an area of your life that needs positive energy. Is it your finances, your relationships, or your career? Sometimes, you can identify more than one area, but one of them needs you right now more than the others. Get rid of any non-loving or negative energy.
Here are some ways to cultivate positive heart energy:
  • Practice gratitude by focusing on the positive aspects of your life.
  • Cultivate empathy and compassion towards others by putting yourself in their shoes.
  • Engage in activities that bring joy, such as hobbies or spending time with loved ones.
  • Meditate or practice mindfulness to quiet the mind and focus on the present moment.
  • Practice forgiveness towards yourself and others to release negative emotions.
  • Engage in acts of kindness and generosity towards others.
  • Connect with nature and the environment.
  • Cultivate positive relationships and surround yourself with supportive people.

You create your destiny

You can manifest anything (including love and money). What exactly is manifestation? It is the process of bringing something into your life through thoughts, visualization, action, and beliefs. It is based on the law of attraction. According to the law of attraction, if you think something then it will happen. It isn’t enough to just think positive thoughts. You need to be clear about your goals and the things you want to manifest. You need to know exactly what you want to manifest before you start trying to manifest anything. 
you create your own destiny
You know where you are in life and where you want to be so use this opportunity to live your best life. Number 111 is a message that a new beginning is around the corner but you can decide where in your life you want to start fresh. Do you want a new or better relationship, to meet your twin flame or soul mate (twin flame vs soulmate), do you want a new or better job, do you want a better financial situation? What are your aspirations? Now is a great time to create a bucket list if you don’t have one.
This is a call to action
This is an opportunity to improve your situation. Think about your life. Set goals and be clear about what you want to change.
Use our free goal-setting journal to set your goals and create action items to reach your goals. The Universe is giving you an opportunity to reach your goals but you must take action. Take the action items that you create and add them to your planner so that you implement them. Put them on your calendar or in your weekly planner.
Your future is determined by your words and thoughts
Once you have determined exactly what you want, you need to think about your goals. Think about the outcome that you want to see.
Visualize yourself succeeding. Create a manifestation board or a vision board. A great way to determine the thoughts you should be thinking is to think how you will feel and act when you reach your goal. Try to be the person who has already reached your goals before you actually reach them. Your optimistic attitude will change the way you behave and that will change your future.
If you focus on positive thoughts then your future will be positive
Your thoughts and feelings send out energy. The energy that you give out is the energy that you get back. If you send out positive high energy (this is called raising your vibration) then you will attract more positive energy. For example, if you focus on love, you will raise your vibration and you will get more love back.

Another way to bring more positive energy into your life is to count your blessings and practice gratitude daily. Try using our free gratitude journal.

Write down the things you want to manifest and keep your thoughts positive. See manifestation affirmations.

You will need to let go of any resistance and limiting beliefs. See how to overcome limiting beliefs.  You will not reach your goals if you let your self-talk persuade you that you are not capable. You are capable and you can do it. Remove any obstacles, negative thinking or limiting beliefs, fear, or negative self-talk that will try to persuade you that you are not good enough. Focus on positive affirmations and replace any negative thoughts with positive thoughts. Take our free online course on how to use affirmations to transform your life.

Focus on the things that you want to happen and not on the things that you don’t want to happen
Once you have determined what you want to achieve, focus on your true desires. Don’t think about the things you don’t want to happen (for example debt), instead think of the things that you do want to happen (for example financial abundance).
Create a manifestation list with all the things you want to happen in your life and focus on them.
Get in alignment with your authentic self

According to Mystic Michaela, author of “The Angel Numbers Book”, the number 111 means that you need to pause and reset your thinking. When you see 111, you need to get on a high vibe quickly in order to manifest your dreams and live your best life. Michaela suggests repeating the mantra: “I am in alignment with my authentic self”.

Gabby Bernstein explains that being your authentic self means you are aligned with your truth. It puts you into vibrational harmony with the Universe and allows you to receive more guidance. You feel like you’re supported, and you become a magnet for what you want. Once you are in alignment with your authentic self, then you can then use the law of attraction to manifest anything you want. 

Being your authentic self means trusting your intuition and your gut feelings. It means listening to and following your heart.

If you have not been living in alignment with your authentic self, then 111 could be an omen that your life is about to get a makeover. This is an opportunity to manifest your best life. Use this opportunity to pause, reflect and give thought as to whether or not you are going on the path that is in alignment with your authentic self.

As we mentioned above, the 111 angel number is a call to action to start a new beginning. You might not understand the meaning of this new beginning. Which new direction should you take? The answer is to find the path that is in alignment with your authentic self. Trust your intuition and follow your inner wisdom. This is the perfect time to discover your passion. Ask yourself what you are passionate about. If you already know, then follow your passion. If you don’t know what your passion is yet then use our free goal-setting journal to help you make this transformation so that you can live your best life. The free goal planner will help you map out your perfect life and build a concrete plan on how to reach your goals with specific action items to get you there.

When you see 111 it could also be your inner voice letting you know that you need a change. You are not living your best life and you need to make certain changes to make that happen. Whether this guidance is coming from your guardian angels or your inner voice it is a wake-up call that you cannot ignore.

The 111 sign could also mean that your body needs a reset. Maybe you are feeding your body too much junk food? Maybe you are not exercising enough? Maybe you don’t take care of yourself enough. 111 might be a signal from your angels that you need a reset. You need to give your body what it needs to function well. You might need to sharpen the saw. Check out our free wellness planner or use a free habit tracker to work on improving your habits.

What does it even mean to be in alignment with your authentic self?

Here are some ways in which you can do this.

  • Don’t be afraid to be yourself. You are a magnificent human being and you should be proud to be you. Don’t try to be anyone else. Have the courage to be yourself.
  • Stand up for the things you believe in.
  • Don’t be afraid to ask for things you want. Don’t wait for people to guess what you want. Speak up and let them know exactly what you want. You deserve to get what you want, so be confident and ask for it.
  • Now is the time to overcome limiting beliefs that are preventing you from being your authentic self. Replace all of those untrue negative statements in your mind with positive affirmations. Don’t let anyone put you down – including yourself!
  • Follow your heart and trust your gut feelings of intuition. You know what is best for you.
  • Acknowledge your true feelings. If you want a relationship with someone, then let them know. If you are unhappy in your job, then look for another job or consider a career change.

It’s time for a spiritual awakening

111 is a sign of spiritual awakening, assertiveness, and inspiration.

Your guardian angels look out for you all the time. They have your best interests at heart. When they see that your life is going in the wrong direction or that you are taking the wrong path they will reach out and send an omen. It is their way of saying that is it time for a reset, for a spiritual awakening. Your angels communicate with you via numbers. When they want you to take a new path they reach out in the form of the number 111. They are letting you know that you are not alone. Something positive is about to happen and they are looking out for you.

You are on the path to success

you are on the right path to success

Your guardian angels are telling you that are going in the right direction and you will succeed. You will reach your goals. However, you have to do your part. You cannot sit around waiting for them to do the work for you. They will help provide opportunities, but you have to take them. They will help ensure that your work is a success, but you have to do the work. You will not see any result without taking action.

What is one small action you can take today to achieve your goals? It could be as simple as researching something online or calling someone to ask some questions.

111 Manifestation

manifestationAccording to Doreen Virtue, Ph.D, the number 111 is an urgent message from the Universe that your thoughts are manifesting right now so keep your mindset focused on your desires. Make sure that your thoughts are positive since the Universe will manifest your thoughts whether they are positive or negative.

If you see the number 111, it is a sign that it is time to take a new path, start a new endeavor or find your life purpose. Follow your dreams and your heart. You should know that the changes about to come are for the best and the angels are looking after you. When it comes to love or relationships, it can mean a new relationship or taking an old relationship to a new level. When it comes to money, new opportunities will arise.

Close your eyes and visualize yourself living your dream life. Try to visualize your life in as much detail as possible.

111 Meaning in Money

What does it mean when you see 111?

moneyThe number 111 is closely related to manifestation. It is an urgent message from the Universe that your thoughts are manifesting right now, so keep your mindset focused on your goals. If you want to change your financial situation, then now is the perfect time to manifest money. Make sure that your thoughts are positive since the Universe will manifest your thoughts, whether they are positive or negative. For example, if you are in debt, don’t think about your debt and that you want to “get out of debt”. Keep your thoughts positive and think about prosperity and financial abundance.

If you see the number 111, it is a sign that it is time to take a new path or start a new endeavor. Follow your dreams and your heart. You should know that the changes about to come are for the best and the angels are looking after you. When it comes to money, it can mean a new job, a new business, winning a lottery or prize, or any new opportunity that will improve your financial situation.

Maybe it is time to consider a new career path or start a new business? If you are not happy with your job, then it might be time to look for a new job or to start your own business.

When you see the number 111, it is the perfect time to look for opportunities around you. You might have missed them and the angels are letting you know that.

 111 Angel Number Love 

What does 111 mean in love?

heartThe 111 love meaning is to send a message that new love is imminent. If you are in a romantic relationship, then this might be a sign that it is time to strengthen the bond with your current partner or to move your relationship to the next level. This is the time to pause and reset your thinking. When you see 111, you need to get on a high vibe quickly in order to manifest your love life. See how to manifest someone

 111 and Relationships 

111 Meaning Relationship

When it comes to 111 and relationships, the meaning of angel number 111 is that you need to pause, evaluate your relationships and reset the way you think about them. You need to be in alignment with your authentic self.

Being your authentic self means trusting your intuition and your gut feelings. It means listening to and following your heart. How can you be more authentic in a relationship? There are many different ways to do this and they are all important. For example, you can let your partner know what you want and need. Don’t assume that your partner will read your mind. Ask for what you want.

You can acknowledge your true feelings. If you would like to start a relationship with someone that you are already in touch with, then the number 111 might be a sign to let them know how you feel. Have the courage to put yourself out there and be your authentic self.

This is a great time to reflect on each of the important relationships in your life and ask yourself if you are in alignment with your authentic self in each relationship. Take out your journal or print a free journal template if you don’t have one (see the journal prompts below). Seeing 111 when thinking of someone, can mean that it is a relationship that you need to evaluate. If it is in alignment with your authentic self, then it might be a sign that you need to move your relationship to a new level.

Maybe it is time to consider a new career path or start a new business? If you are not happy with your job, then it might be time to look for a new job or to start your own business.
 If you are in a relationship
This is a good time to reflect on who you are in your relationship. Are you your true self? Are you being yourself or are you being the person that you think your partner wants you to be? Are there things that you would like to do but cannot do in your relationship? Are these things important to you? Are you constantly putting your partner’s needs before your own?

As Gabby Bernstein says, trying to be someone you’re not, weakens your inner power and deprives the world of your greatness. Gabby explains that there is so much freedom in letting go. It takes up so much of your energy to pretend to be someone else. Gabby lists five steps to align with your authentic self. Gabby gives practical tools to help you get back in alignment with yourself such as taking a deep breath to breathe your way back into authenticity. Accept that your true authentic self is magnificent. If your partner cannot accept you for who you are, then this is not the right relationship to be in. 

If you are in a toxic relationship, then 111 is a sign that it is time for a new start. It is time to end the relationship.

 If you are not in a relationship: 
Use this opportunity to think about what are you looking for in a relationship? It might be time to look for a different kind of relationship. If you always looked for a specific type, then maybe it is time to try dating different types. Maybe you have not been authentic in previous relationships? Maybe it is time to meet someone who will accept you for who you are.

 Seeing 111 When Thinking of Someone 

Have you ever seen the number 111 when you’re deep in thought about someone? Such moments can leave you wondering whether it’s mere coincidence or if there’s a deeper, more mystical meaning behind it. Read on to uncover the possible significance of seeing 111 when thinking of someone, shedding light on what it might mean and what actions you can take in response.

What Does It Mean? Seeing the number 111 when you’re preoccupied with thoughts of a specific individual can be interpreted as a powerful synchronistic message. In numerology, the number 111 is often associated with new beginnings, alignment, and spiritual awakening. When it appears in your life, especially in moments of focused thought about someone, it might signify a moment of profound connection. This number could be prompting you to pay closer attention to your thoughts and intentions regarding that person, suggesting that your energies and desires are aligned with a higher purpose or a transformative journey related to them.

What Should You Do? So, what actions can you take when the angelic number 111 appears in the context of your thoughts about someone? Firstly, it’s essential to reflect on your feelings and intentions at that moment. Consider whether your thoughts are positive and aligned with your desired outcomes in your relationship or connection with that person. If so, you can harness the energy of 111 to manifest your intentions more effectively. Engaging in meditation, visualization, and affirmation practices can help reinforce your positive thoughts and intentions. Additionally, you might want to take inspired actions, such as reaching out to the person or working on improving the relationship. Ultimately, remain open to the possibilities and trust that the universe might be guiding you towards a meaningful connection or transformation.

 111 Angel Number Twin Flame 

 If you have not yet met your twin flame 

twin flame

Angel number 111 tells you you are on the right path to finding your twin flame. It might not look like it to you, but the Universe is arranging your twin flame union and in time you will see that things worked out just as they should have. 111 is a sign that both you and your twin flame are going through a spiritual awakening. You both belong to the same energetic source and you were meant to be together.

Since 111 represents new beginnings, this very well could mean that it is time for it to happen. However, the 111 angel number sends you an important message to ensure you meet your twin flame during this lifetime. The message is to focus on being your authentic self. Your twin flame will be attracted to the authentic you and not to a version of yourself that is not in alignment with your authentic self. Do you dress the way you like to dress or do you dress the way others think you should? Do you act authentically or do you pretend to be someone else? If your twin flame meets a version of you that is not authentic, then they might not even be attracted to you. You might miss an opportunity to be together. The union with your twin flame will only happen once you are authentic and in touch with your true self.

If you do meet someone who loses interest when they get to know the real you, then they are not your twin flame. Be thankful that you discovered this earlier rather than later. Your twin flame will accept you and love you for who you are. Being your authentic self is a great way to distinguish between those who are potential partners and true twin flames.

If you have not yet met your twin flame, then and are interested in making this happen then focus on being your authentic self. 

 If you have already met your twin flame 

If you have already met your twin flame 111 might signal that it is time to deepen your relationship or reach a new phase. Pay attention to the sensations your twin flame awakens in you. You should feel an immediate connection. It is more important than ever to have a positive mindset.

If you have already met your twin flame, then focus on having a positive mindset.

If you are in a relationship but unsure if your partner is your twin flame, then take our twin flame test to see if your partner is your twin flame.

Printable Chart

Create a free printable angel number chart that you can customize before you print.

angel number 111

111 Biblical Meaning

What does the number 1 mean in the bible?

For the biblical meaning of the number 1, see angel number 1.

What does 111 mean in the bible?

The biblical meaning of the number 111 is important because it represents the Holy Trinity –  God the Father, God the Son (Jesus Christ), and God the Holy Spirit.

111 Numerology

What does the number 1 mean?

What is the significance of number 1? Number 1 is the first number and therefore it symbolizes new beginnings and new paths to take. When new cycles start the old cycles usually end and this might cause some discomfort for some people. Even when a change is for the better it is often difficult to accept. Your guardian angels are giving you the courage to release the old cycle and accept the new change. This might require you to leave your comfort zone. Trust the angels and ascended masters that it is a change for the better. In order to progress and realize your potential, you must make changes and take action. The final result of any new beginning is determined by your words and thoughts. Therefore, it is important to be positive and to focus on the things that you want and not on the things that you don’t want. You are on the path to success.

See Angel Number 1 and the Karmic Master Number 11

What does 111 mean?

What is the meaning or the significance of 111? The significance of 111 is divine intervention. You are not alone during your journey. Your guardian angels are watching out for you.

According to the book “Number Sequences and their Message” by Amelia Bert, since the number 1 appears three times, its importance and urgency strengthen. The message is that you are very close to reaching your goals. There is light at the end of the tunnel, you are approaching your dream life very quickly. Don’t look back. You are reaching the end of a cycle. In a few days, or weeks you will finally see the results of your positive efforts.

The Influence of Angel Number 3

Number 111 can be reduced to 3. If you add the sum of the digits in 111 you get 3 (1+1+1=3). Numerologists call this “reducing”.

This means that angel number 3 influences 111.

Journal Prompts to Use When You See Angel Number 111

One of the ways to better understand the message that your guardian angels are trying to send to you is to journal. The best time to do this is after meditation or after you take a few very deep breaths. Sit down somewhere quiet and choose one of the journal prompts. Write whatever comes to mind.

angel number 111 - journal prompts

  1. What new beginnings are happening in your life right now? What is ending as this begins?
  2. What would you like to change in your life?
  3. You have been given an opportunity to start something fresh. What would you like to do with this opportunity?
  4. What new beginnings are happening in your life right now? How does this make you feel? How can you benefit from this change?
  5. What emotions come up for you as you start something new?
  6. What do you look forward to most in the future? What can you do to make it happen?
  7. Do changes scare you? How do you deal with fear when you’re trying something new?
  8. What change can you make to live according to your personal values?
  9. Imagine you are 80 years old. Picture yourself sitting with your family and friends. Someone asks you what regrets you have? What would you have done differently? Journal about each of these questions. When you have finished, answer this question: Your angels have given you an opportunity for a fresh start. What can you do to prevent these regrets?
  10. If you could start one new habit which will have the biggest impact on your life? How could you make this habit a part of your daily routine?
  11. Identify one area where you’d like to improve or start from scratch. Then, list three specific actions you can take to create that change.
  12. Describe an area of your life where you feel fear, doubt, guilt, shame, sadness, disconnection, and anger. What do you feel? What caused it? What really bothers you about the situation?
  13. Describe each of the important relationships in your life. Are you in alignment with your authentic self in each relationship?
  14. How do you envision a new phase in your life or a new relationship?
